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National Voter Registration Day

About this event

National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy. Nearly 4.5 million voters have registered on the annual holiday since its inception in 2012.  According to U.S. Census data from 2020, as many as 1 in 4 eligible Americans are not registered to vote.


Since 2017, the League of Women Voters Greenwich has marked National Voter Registration Day with community-wide voter registration activities. Join us in supporting voter registration!


Take two minutes today to:


Register to VOTE. U.S. citizens who are 18 years of age by November 2, 2021, are eligible to vote in this year’s election. CLICK HERE to register to vote.


Confirm your voter registration status. If you’ve recently moved or married, or if you haven’t voted in the last several elections, you may need to re-register and confirm your polling location. CLICK HERE to confirm your voter registration status.


Request an Absentee Ballot. All eligible voters may vote by absentee ballot in the Nov 2, 2021 Election due to COVID-19. Applications for Absentee Ballots can be requested by visiting the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall or by calling 203-622-7897 or  download by clicking HERE.  Applications are available in English and Spanish. Ballots will be mailed starting October 1, and completed ballots must be received by-mail, or by-hand, by November 2. CLICK HERE to request an Absentee Ballot.


Register. Vote. Let your voice be heard.

VS 21 Nat


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Event Contact(s)

Cathy Steel


LWV Greenwich Events

Registration Info

Registration is not Required